I  help stroke survivors manage emotional overwhelm after a stroke.

You are not the only one.
This happened to me too!
I can help you, and show you what to do 
in a  simple step-by-step process.

Tsitsi Bergman - Cognitive Behavioral Life Coach

Research shows that stroke survivors can improve their emotional well-being through various interventions such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, and mindfulness-based stress reduction, and support groups.
(Source: American Stroke Association).

Ready to wake up and thrive every day?
80% of repeating strokes are preventable with lifestyle changes

Go beyond just sharing information with others on Facebook
and get real help that changes and improves your life.

  • Don't waste too much time sharing your experience with others only because that is only one small part of your emotional recovery.
  • Un-watched emotions can form bad sticky habits that are harmful in the long run if left unchecked. 
  • Ignoring recurring and embarrassing behavior can quickly  become overwhelming for you and those around you
Not sure what's sticking to your mind right? 

Learn to understand how  your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors impact each other...

Your THOUGHTS create your feelings.

Your  FEELINGS create your behaviors 

Your BEHAVIORS  strengthen your thoughts 

It's one thing to know you are overloaded with emotions after a stroke.
It's another thing to manage them all when you return back to work

Let's get you looking and feeling your best 
(and make it stick!)
 in just 90 days.

I  get it.  When the traditional forms of hospital and rehab assistance came to an end following my stroke, I felt lost and alone in an unfamiliar territory. I was unsure if there was anyone who could provide me with the support I needed for just a little while longer.


Personal Coaching
I’ll help you overcome each challenge and understand why your brain is responding in different ways. I'll take you through each step of my process to ensure we uncover and clean up all that is holding you back as an executive in your career.

Group Coaching
Work with me in a group setting where you will find common experiences and connect with other executive who understand your circumstances. Feel heard and supported as I take you through the process of getting clear ion what you really want, understanding how create emotional well being and learn how to challenge on going limiting beliefs for the rest of your life.

Online Learning
  • Stroke Mental Health Support Online self-paced video lessons
  • Online  Workshops
  • Weekly Support Group
  • BLOG
  • Podcast


I  get it.  
When the traditional forms of hospital and rehab assistance came to an end following my stroke, I felt lost and alone in an unfamiliar territory. I was unsure if there was anyone who could provide me with the support I needed for just a little while longer.
  • It's one thing to know you are overloaded with emotions after a stroke.
  • It's another thing to manage emotions when you return back to work.
Today I help stroke survivors back at work 
          remove Emotional Overwhelm
             regain Emotional Resilience
so they can live 
                         A Healthy Brain Lifestyle.

Here's how to get started


Step 1

Schedule a FREE Session to make sure  this is the kind  of help you need.

Get your questions answered and make a confident decision about working with me.


Step 2

Starting meeting  with me with me in the Stroke Mental Health Support program to learn and implement healthy emotional strategies to follow after a stroke. I’ll guide you and empower you to control your thoughts and emotions for a  healthy happier life you  want. 


Step 3

Experience satisfying massive transformation for a happy healthy brain life style.

What others are saying...

“Tsitsi’s sessions have provided me with stunning insight on parts of my life
that I completely missed on my own. Her intuition enabled me to get straight 
to the core issues, saving me time and also enabling me to better 
understand myself in the process. Thank you!” 
Kenneth K.
"Working with Tsitsi was a breath of fresh air. Right off the bat she brings 
such a warm energy to the table, and was able to make 
sense of my struggles with grace and ease. She truly has a gift for healing.
 L. Garcia

Cognitive Behavioral Coaching (CBC) is a powerful coaching model that draws on evidence-based psychological models. CBC is a method of adapting our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It helps individuals understand how their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors impact each other and allow a coach to help their clients to identify and challenge unhelpful thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

I'm committed to being your supportive guide throughout your stroke recovery journey, offering resources and assistance every step of the way. If you're facing mental health challenges, I'm here to help you address them now and in the future.

Meet Me on Social Media 


Copyright: Stroke Mental Health Support
a product of Personal Development Plan Authority LLC